
How BEPS 2.0 is Reshaping the Global Tax Landscape for Multinational Enterprises in Asia (China, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, and Vietnam)

Webinar | Wednesday, October 27, 2021 4:30 PM China / 3:30 PM Vietnam / 2:00 PM India |

Oct 31, 2021

The new framework of BEPS 2.0, aims to ensure that multinational enterprises pay a fair share of taxes where they operate and is expected to have far-reaching impacts on many ‘tax-friendly' countries and multinational enterprises (MNEs). With a majority of the member jurisdictions agreeing to follow the new framework including, Mainland China, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, and Vietnam, how will it affect the global tax landscape and companies’ tax strategies? 

MNEs within the scope of the new international rules (those doing customer-facing businesses and digital service businesses or those above CbCR revenue threshold) need to monitor the most recent tax developments and assess how they impact their overall tax burden and the necessity for group restructuring. 

Dezan Shira & Associates' international tax specialist from China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and India, welcomes you to join our webinar to increase your understanding of new tax developments and tax incentives across these regions.  Our experts will share with you the most recent practices in each jurisdiction and provide practical tips to manage potential tax exposures. 

 Key Topics: 

  • BEPS 2.0 and its impact on the common structures that will be no longer tax-efficient 
  • General introduction on the new tax developments in each region 
  • How to interact with various tax developments and utilize tax incentives in each region 

 This webinar is FREE of charge. If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Fujino at laureneiko.fujino@dezshira.com 




Webinar | Wednesday, October 27, 2021 4:30 PM China / 3:30 PM Vietnam / 2:00 PM India |

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