
Evaluating Effectiveness of your Website through Content Marketing | Shenzhen

Shenzhen, China | November 18, 2015

Nov 18, 2015

>> See the same presentation in Guangzhou

Marketing is an ever-evolving business discipline. The new paradigm in marketing seems to be moving toward a rich content model where sharing stories and building narratives can help your business compete for customers. Discover how to establish and grow an effective content marketing platform to enhance visitor flow and generate leads.

You will learn:

I. The Content Marketing Framework The Value Proposition of Professional Services Marketing

  • Information Value Concept
  • The Soul of Business Intelligence

II. How to Develop and Present Effective Content Types? Defining Content Types

  • Free vs. Paid Content

III. Content Planning and Execution Effective Content Scheduling

  • Building an Effective, Cross-Disciplinary Team

IV. Content as an Effective Business Model Static Information vs. Dynamic Information

  • Offering Client Solutions
  • Data Analytics

Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2015 | 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Venue: German Chamber of Commerce office,
Meeting Room 203, Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building, High-Tech Industrial Park, Shenzhen P.R. China

Price: RMB 50 for GCC members | RMB 150 for non-members

If you would like to attend please register by emailing shenzhen@gz.china.ahk.de before 17th November.


Shenzhen, China | November 18, 2015

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