
5th Annual Retail Banking Asia Pacific Conference

January 27-29, 2016 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Jan 27, 2016

Fleming. Kuala Lumpur would like to present its '5th Annual Retail Banking Asia Pacific Conference' which is going to be held on the 27th- 29th  January 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  The conference will concentrate on the growth opportunities in the retail banking sector,segmentation, delivery models and major challenges that financial institutions usually face.

Among the top speakers for this conference is Y.B Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Malaysia,  Honorable Rishad Bathluddeen, Minister of Indusry & Commerce , Sri Lanka and YM Raja Teh Maimunah, CEO of Hong Leong Islamic Bank Malaysia. The conference will cover numerous topics such as “Customer Complain Management & Prevention”, “Innovation and Emerging Technology in Retail Banking”, “Understanding your customer: Why It's Not An Option”, “Challenges in Moving From Product-Centric to a Customer-Centric Organization” and more. The tailored agenda for this 3-day prestigious conference is packed with in-depth scrutiny of the industry, keynote presentations and interactive panel discussions.

For more information and registration, please visit the event website.


January 27-29, 2016 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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