
News Across Asia

Vietnam Briefing

Vietnam's Data Market: Overview, Regulations, and Current Competition


Vietnam’s data market is heating up. Here what it looks like and where it’s headed.

Vietnam Briefing

Vietnam's Export Rebound: Is This the Beginning of a New Growth Cycle?


Vietnam’s exports are poised to rebound on the back of reduced inventories and increased foreign direct investment among other things, write Marco Forster and Alberto Vettoretti.

ASEAN Briefing

Indonesia's Data Center Industry: Investment Outlook and Regulations


Indonesia’s data center industry offers promising prospects, particularly as the digital economy is expected to reach a GMV of US$360 billion by 2030.

China Briefing

China's Data Center Sector: Industry and Regulatory Insights


China's data center ecosystem is largely contributing to the country's rapid rise as a global technology powerhouse. This article explores the catalyst factors behind its remarkable growth, influential players in the ecosystem, and key regulatory frameworks.

China Briefing

Tax-Exempt Fringe Benefits for Expatriates in China Extended till End of 2027


China's IIT preferential policy allowing some non-taxable fringe benefits for expatriates is extended till the end of 2023; it was set to expire in 2022.

Vietnam Briefing

VAT Refunds for Software Developers in Vietnam


According to Circular No. 13/2020/TT-BTTTT, businesses engaged in software development must follow stipulated procedures to be able to enjoy incentives related to VAT refunds.

China Briefing

China's IIT Preferential Policy for Expatriates Extended to End of 2027: Key Points


China has extended individual income tax benefits for foreigners, such as on rental and education expenses, till the end of 2023.

India Briefing

Understanding the Role of Independent Directors in Indian Companies


Independent directors, per India regulations, play a pivotal role in balancing corporate interests and maintaining ethical oversight. Qualifications are stringent, there are limits on directorships, and appointments involve board approval.

China Briefing

China’s New Stamp Tax Law: Compliance Rules, Tax Rates, Exemptions


China’s new Stamp Tax Law takes effect July 1, 2022, and will trigger simplification of tax compliance, changes to some tax rates, and new exemptions.

China Briefing

China’s IIT Special Additional Deductions: An Explainer


China has implemented special additional deductions under the new IIT Law since 2019, and now it decided to raise the deduction standards on expenses for raising and educating kid and supporting elderly.

China Briefing

Shifting Attitudes and Expectations for Work in China's Post-Pandemic Era


We discuss how companies can navigate changes in the Chinese work culture and employee expectations in the aftermath of COVID-19.

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