Industry Specific Licenses and Certifications in China
Published: May 2014Before a foreign company decides to bring its products or services to the Chinese market, it is important to first acquire a firm understanding of the relevant regulatory environment. As such, in this issue of China Briefing we provide an overview of the licensing schemes for industrial products; food production, distribution and catering services; and advertising. We also introduce two important types of certification in China: the CCC and the China Energy Label (CEL).
No. of Pages: 12 pages
In this issue:
- Special Licenses for Industrial Products, Food and Advertising
- China Compulsory Certification and China Energy Label
Before a foreign company decides to bring its products or services to the Chinese market, it is important to first acquire a firm understanding of the relevant regulatory environment. The Chinese government has put into place various licensing and certification schemes to regulate its economic development and ensure that products and services meet certain standards to safeguard public health and interest.
For example, a company must first obtain a special license before it is allowed to manufacture or sell food in China. Certain services, such as advertising, also require licensing. Meanwhile, products such as toys and automotive parts must acquire China Compulsory Certification (CCC), and specific electronic devices such as air conditioners and refrigerators need to obtain energy efficiency certification. It is important to note that China has its own mandatory licensing and certification systems. This is often overlooked as some foreign firms assume that licensing and certification from their home countries will suffice.
In this issue of China Briefing, we provide an overview of the licensing schemes for industrial products; food production, distribution and catering services; and advertising. We also introduce two important types of certification in China: the CCC and the China Energy Label (CEL). This issue will provide you with an understanding of the requirements for selling your products or services in China.